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GWiki:Bouton d'édition personnalisé

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You can add custom edit buttons to the edit window easily with JavaScript.

JavaScript code needed

To add custom edit buttons, edit either User:Your username/skinname.js or MediaWiki:Common.js on your wiki. If you edit the former, the buttons will only show up for yourself and if the latter, they will show to all wiki users.

 if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
   mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "http://images.wikia.com/central/images/7/74/Button_comment.png",
     "speedTip": "Comment visible only for editors",
     "tagOpen": "<!-- ",
     "tagClose": " -->",
     "sampleText": "Insert comment here"}

imageFile is the full URL to the edit button image. Please do not hotlink images from Wikimedia Commons or Wikipedia! Upload them to your web host instead.
tagOpen is simply the opening tag, e.g. <!--
tagClose is the opposite of the above, the closing tag, for example, -->.
sampleText is the sample text that will appear between the opening and closing tags. The editor should replace this sample text with his or her own text.